Most people don’t, but disasters could happen to all of us and that it is important for disaster supplies to be exist even you are lucky enough to never use them.
With a sensitive approach to the reality of disasters, Capsule+ aims to offer an organised emergency kit that stays visible in a room rather than thrown away and forgotten in a drawer, a product with visual appealing that people would like to have in their homes.
Until the help arrives after an earthquake or any natural disaster, the aim was to make critical first stages of a disaster physically and mentally comfortable.
To create a clear and understandable language, straightforward visuals and textures are used in brand identity of Capsule+. With the basic instructions of tools usage and first-aid, the main goal is to maintain the hope of survival, to help people pull through this shocking experience calmly and, most importantly, safely.
We create products and services that will define the way we interact with life. While respecting the planet, we all share and love!