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Securing Dual First Prizes at Design Week Turkey

Celebrating our team's success at the 16th Industrial Design Competition

C-Kit and Lumi, won first prize.

We were at the Golden Horn Congress Center as a team for the 2020 awards of the 16th Industrial Design Competition organized by the Istanbul Minerals and Metals Exporters’ Association (IMMIB), which was postponed due to the pandemic. The late award trophies of our projects C-Kit and Lumi, which won the first prize in the categories they participated, happily took their places in our office. We would like to thank Mr. İsmail Gülle, Chairman of the Turkish Exporters’ Center, the presidents of the union and the members of the board of directors for their support to the design.

Check out the projects.

Awards collected by C-Kit and Lumi,


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We create products and services that will define the way we interact with life. While respecting the planet, we all share and love!